The nursery has a large safe and secure garden. The garden has a wide range of equipment such as a muddy kitchen, loose-part equipment, and wide selection of toys. All children can participate in many other activities which can be transferred from inside to outside such as sand and water. The children have access to our garden during the day and enjoy growing vegetables and fruit in our vegetable patch.

Updated from our garden 2023

The children have been busy helping in the vegetable garden with Emma, especially when it comes to tasting the strawberries.

We have been luck to have three pumpkins beginning to grow and the children are hoping they will be ready for Halloween.

We were lucky this year to have loads of potatoes, the potatoes were gathered by the children and used for their lunches and we were able to send some potatoes home with the children too.

updated from our garden 2022

The children have been busy helping in the veggie garden, especially when it comes to tasting the strawberries.

Our pumpkins are beginning to grow and the children are hoping they will be ready for Halloween.

The carrots, onions and potatoes are just about ready for the children to gather so they can make soup for snack. We have also been lucky to have some added to the children lunch too.

Our new vegetable patch

Our Log Cabin

We have opened our fantastic new outdoor Cabin which is now complete. To say the children and staff are loving this resource is an understatement, this will be a great help in utilising the garden to its full potential, especially at this time during current guidelines.